Fishing knives

The fishing knives usually have a long blade. The fish fillet knife is considered to be the fishing knife, but it is not the only one. The fishing knife blade is usually curved and flexible. Knives for smaller fish are usually thin and they have a pointed tip, which is used for gutting. Some knives have an edge of the back of the blade, which is designed to clean and cut the fish Knives for bigger fish (salmon, tuna, etc.) have dull, rounded tips and straight blades. They are quite large, durable, and less flexible. With the fishing knife, the fish is gutted, boned or the fish is cut into a smaller pieces. Knives for meat cutting and boning are also used for fish cutting and filleting.


Small knives are also common among fishermen. The knife usually has a short, thin blade and its handle is also short, because of that it is called a pocket knife. For its small size, it is easy to carry it around.

Fishing knives can be both – fixed and folding. The advantage of the fixed knife is that the knife blade can be longer and stronger. On the other hand, folding knives are easier safer to carry around.


No less important is the fishing knife material and handle. The blade material should be in a way that the knife can be sharp and durable, but at the same time flexible. It has to be resistant to corrosion as it is often subject to moisture. The knife handle should be non-slip as the fishermen’s hands are often wet not only due to weather but also from the fish preparing process. It is important that the handle is non-slip in order not to injure yourself.

“AA knives” offer fishing knives, which will not only be sharp and easy to use, but also safe and suitable for different conditions.
